Very few people know that in 1900 Nikola Tesla started designing and building a very large free energy converter in New York City, New York. This project is now referred to as; The Wardenclyffe Tower Project. This tower along with its very large research laboratory, was to put out 10,000,000,000 watts of free electrical power. This is 10 billion watts of power, for those of you who are not that good with math.
That Wardenclyffe Tower Power Plant, would have been the largest power plant on the entire surface of this earth. Even at this present time there are about 102 nuclear power plants, here in the US, and most all of them put out several billions of watts of power each. But none of them put out 10 billion watts of power. The Palo Verde nuclear power plant here in Phoenix is one of the largest power plants here in the United States. With all 3 of its reactors on line at the same time it can put out 6.7 billion watts of power.
At this time in history, no one really knows for sure what type of energy, Nikola Tesla was really converting into electrical energy. Many people assume from his many writings that he called it, "Radiant Energy". He did use this radiant energy phrase quite often in his writings, and it even appears in a couple of his patents. The first patent No. 685957 is named "Apparatus For The Utilization Of Radiant Energy". The second patent No. 685958 is named "Method Of Utilizing Radiant Energy". From reading these patents it is very clear that he used this apparatus for the converting of ordinary sunlight and also X-rays into electricity. The term radiant energy is also used in all of our modern physics books to simply refer to all types of electromagnetic energy. What most people think now-a-days is that he was converting etheric energy or zero point energy into ordinary electricity, which is most likely the case.
What almost no one knows, is that whatever type of energy Nikola Tesla was converting into electricity, he was doing it on site, inside that very large lab. The energy was then in turn sent to that very large 200 foot tall tower, to be sent through the earth to anyplace on the surface of the earth, to light up houses anywhere on the surface of the earth. That 200 foot tall tower was simply and impedance matching transformer to be used in between the etheric free energy converter, which was housed in the lab, and the earth. This is no different than what we even have today. We now have these same 1000's of transformers hanging all over on poles or sitting in our back yards. The only difference in yours and mine and Tesla's, is that ours is rated at 10, 20, or 50,000 watts, and Tesla's was rated at 10 billion watts.
Almost all people though are laboring under one very large misconception. They all think that the energy used by The Wardenclyffe Tower Power Plant was coming from Nikola Tesla's own hydroelectric generators located at Niagara Falls. This would have been impossible though, because the total combined energy output of Niagara Falls, including both the Canadian and the American side of the falls, only puts out 5,000,000,000 watts. (5 billions) This is only half enough the energy needed to run The Wardenclyffe Tower ! ! !
The most important thing to remember from all of this is that Wardenclyffe, was an etheric free energy converter. It would have been the largest free energy machine ever built.
That Wardenclyffe Tower Power Plant, would have been the largest power plant on the entire surface of this earth. Even at this present time there are about 102 nuclear power plants, here in the US, and most all of them put out several billions of watts of power each. But none of them put out 10 billion watts of power. The Palo Verde nuclear power plant here in Phoenix is one of the largest power plants here in the United States. With all 3 of its reactors on line at the same time it can put out 6.7 billion watts of power.
At this time in history, no one really knows for sure what type of energy, Nikola Tesla was really converting into electrical energy. Many people assume from his many writings that he called it, "Radiant Energy". He did use this radiant energy phrase quite often in his writings, and it even appears in a couple of his patents. The first patent No. 685957 is named "Apparatus For The Utilization Of Radiant Energy". The second patent No. 685958 is named "Method Of Utilizing Radiant Energy". From reading these patents it is very clear that he used this apparatus for the converting of ordinary sunlight and also X-rays into electricity. The term radiant energy is also used in all of our modern physics books to simply refer to all types of electromagnetic energy. What most people think now-a-days is that he was converting etheric energy or zero point energy into ordinary electricity, which is most likely the case.
What almost no one knows, is that whatever type of energy Nikola Tesla was converting into electricity, he was doing it on site, inside that very large lab. The energy was then in turn sent to that very large 200 foot tall tower, to be sent through the earth to anyplace on the surface of the earth, to light up houses anywhere on the surface of the earth. That 200 foot tall tower was simply and impedance matching transformer to be used in between the etheric free energy converter, which was housed in the lab, and the earth. This is no different than what we even have today. We now have these same 1000's of transformers hanging all over on poles or sitting in our back yards. The only difference in yours and mine and Tesla's, is that ours is rated at 10, 20, or 50,000 watts, and Tesla's was rated at 10 billion watts.
Almost all people though are laboring under one very large misconception. They all think that the energy used by The Wardenclyffe Tower Power Plant was coming from Nikola Tesla's own hydroelectric generators located at Niagara Falls. This would have been impossible though, because the total combined energy output of Niagara Falls, including both the Canadian and the American side of the falls, only puts out 5,000,000,000 watts. (5 billions) This is only half enough the energy needed to run The Wardenclyffe Tower ! ! !
The most important thing to remember from all of this is that Wardenclyffe, was an etheric free energy converter. It would have been the largest free energy machine ever built.